Himpunan kisah-kisah aneh, misteri, seram dan fenomena paranormal yang berlaku di seluruh pelusuk dunia termasuk di Malaysia. Disediakan Oleh PAGparanormal MALAYSIA

Isnin, 18 November 2013


Berita Paranormal dari JB : Ramai yang melaporkan bahawa sekumpulan 23 dari 30 orang telah 'ghaib' di sekitar kawasan Villa Nabila di Johor Baharu.Sebilangan mereka adalah lepasan SPM.Ya atau tidak berita ini belum di sahihkan.

*Krew PAG dari JB (Tengku Yusz) akan melaporkan keadaan semasa disana.

 Kisah yang pernah kami (PAG) dengar 5 tahun lepas sebelum kami pergi sendiri ke lokasi yang dikenali Banglo Villa Nabila.Benar atau tidak hanya Allah yang lebih mengetahuinya.

Info dari seorang individu yang lebih ...dikenali sebagai guru silat dari Perak.Beliau pernah menceritakan kisah suku sakat jin ifrit dan iblis dari setiap pelusuk dunia berkumpul seolah olah bermesyuarat di rumah terbabit pada malam dan tarikh tertentu.

Ada diantara mahluk terbabit bukan sahaja berbentuk ngeri dan menakutkan dan ada di kalangan mereka mampu menyerupai seekor biawak besar,labah-labah besar dan juga kelawar besar.

Saiznya boleh dikatakan luar biasa jika ia menjelma di depan manusia. Kita sebagai manusia yang tidak nampak akan kewujudan mereka mungkin melakukan kesilapan ketika berada di lokasi terbabit dan membuatkan mereka marah..Wallahu a'lam.

"This property located at hillside of Johor known as Danga Bay. Villa Nabila has been evacuated and abandoned as result of robbery incident which claims the life of the entire tenants residing in it previously. Basically, it was learnt that the building belongs to a rich family, and it was attacked by armed robbers who went ahead and kills all the occupants’ ‘what a wickedness’’. It was reported that the souls of those killed were roaming around the compound which turn the place to be very haunting. Actually, some ghost investigators went in and miss on the process ,only to escape right after dawn."

InsyaAllah penghujung tahun 2013 ini PAGparanormal akan kembali merungkai segala kisah mistik banglo misteri ini.

Jom tonton video ketika PAGparanormal melakukan tinjauan di villa terbabit. Klik Sini

Update berita terkini dari Krew PAG Ron Asraff Tengku Yusz.

PAGparanormal Malaysia ©. Dikuasakan oleh Blogger.
Official Blog Of 'PAGparanormal Malaysia' known as Pengembaraan Alam Ghaib Crew or Journey To The Unknown Crew

Attention!! Many paranormal investigators believe there are real dangers of a spiritual nature that ghost hunting groups should be aware of.It seems that ghost hunting has become quite a popular endeavor over the last several years. Whether it be a historic location, public venue or a private residence, what could be more exciting than going to a supposed haunted location to seek out the paranormal? Some people say cemeteries are very notorious for sightings of spirits, and many people hoping to get a thrill by going to such places to catch a glimpse these spirits, ghosts or entities.

(When we are investigating, we are always looking out for causes for the activity; but we should always be on alert for dangers that are present around us, both seen and unseen). PAGparanormal Malaysia ©



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